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Q&A: Talking Moxa with Mr. Gøran Labrå

Q&A: Talking Moxa with Mr. Gøran Labrå

Some brands are built different. Mr. Gøran Labrå knows Moxa better than most, and over the years has become a genuine enthusiast.

Q&A: Talking Moxa with Mr. Gøran Labrå
Some brands are built differently. Mr. Gøran Labrå knows Moxa better than most, and over the years has become a genuine enthusiast. We sat down with him to learn why.  

Moxa’s routers and switches have become instrumental to many of the network solutions we design here at Hatteland Technology, across segments, whether it be CCTV systems in tunnels, computer networks on ships, or industrial automation for manufacturers.

But what is so special about the Taiwanese brand, and what should we know about the partnership with Hatteland Technology?

Mr. Gøran Labrå was kind enough to fill us in.

Good morning, Gøran! For those who don’t know you, how about an introduction?

Good morning! Sure. I’m 44 years of age, from Nesodden, a peninsula close to Oslo. Been a technology enthusiast since I was little, which again led to my working in IT sales throughout my professional career.

Most of that time has been here at Hatteland Technology. I know my way around most of the industries we serve, though I feel the most at home in maritime, naval and defence, and automation.

Sounds like if someone ever needs an industrial IT solution, you’re the guy?


Good to know! You must have encountered countless brands during your time in the industry. Do you remember when you first started working with Moxa?

I certainly do. They were the first supplier I worked with when I joined Hatteland Technology back in 2006. It was a bit of a challenge because we were looking for technology partners to help us serve the maritime market — and Moxa didn’t really do much in terms of maritime networks at the time.

But since we knew Moxa quite well from other markets, and had seen first-hand how good they were, we encouraged them to get marine certifications for their products. Luckily, they realized it made sense too, and decided to join us on that journey. 

Above: Mr. Gøran Labrå, Director of Business Development at Hatteland Technology,
is an experienced Moxa specialist.

A wise decision, surely?

No doubt. It proved a success for us both. It widened our portfolio of type-approved products and opened the door to a new market for them.

You’ve worked in industrial IT for many years now. What does it take to build a top-tier industrial IT network?

You need a great selection of hardware, network design skills, a robust supply chain. And someone who knows how to get everything up and running.

Speaking of hardware, it's no secret you’re a big fan of Moxa. What is it that makes them stand out?  

To me, it’s the sum of everything they do.

The hardware is first-rate. Handles industrial environments exceptionally well. You can always rely on them to be frontrunners technically. And as mentioned, they type approve their units. This enables us to offer solutions directly to our customers, with no further modifications or paper trails.

“I think they’ve nailed it strategically, with how they’ve aligned themselves
according to what industrial users value the most.”

Administration is another strong point. Their software solution lets you manage your network with ease. With free updates for the lifespan of the system.

Then, beyond the bits and bolts, I think they’ve nailed it strategically, with how they’ve aligned themselves according to what industrial users value the most.

Care to elaborate?

The big thing for me is longevity.

You can purchase the same Moxa product for 10–15 years, they control their designs and selection of components entirely. All of this ensures high quality and long life cycles. That’s crucial to someone like us, and ultimately our customers, because we sell systems that need to perform for years if not decades. Many of the Moxa units I sold almost 20 years ago are still up and running.

“Many of the Moxa units I sold almost 20 years ago are still up and running.”

Above: The Moxa EDS-G4000 series (front) and its predecessor EDS-408A (in the back).

You mentioned the solutions we offer. What is Hatteland Technology’s role in the partnership?

We’re an official distributor of Moxa. It means we sell their gear, but that’s not all. Our engineers and sales team know their way around everything Moxa offers. We regularly participate in training programs, we attain certifications, and we even go to Taiwan now and then.  

All of that supports our role which is to help our customers choose the right product for the job. It may not sound all that complicated, but industrial IT networks get intricate fast. Knowing what works best for any given application is crucial. Just to illustrate, the Moxa EDS-G4000 switch — just that one switch — can be configured in more than 60 different ways.

That’s why we help the system integrator, from day 1, to conceptualize, to design, to work out the entire infrastructure. 

“Our customers effectively hand over the procurement process to us. It means you don’t have to spend a minute arranging or monitoring logistics.”

Supply chain issues have persisted in many industries since the pandemic. If I’m a system integrator looking for Moxa gear, can Hatteland Technology help me?

Oh, absolutely. You’ll do less work and get your gear faster.

How so?

Our customers effectively hand over the procurement process to us. It means you don’t have to spend a minute arranging or monitoring logistics. And our partnership with Moxa puts you on the fast track.

That particularly pays off in challenging circumstances, such as COVID. Remember how supply chains froze and no one could get ahold of anything?

Thanks to our close cooperation with Moxa, we were able to plan production and serve our customers as usual. No projects were postponed due to delays on our part, which was almost unheard of given the situation.

Before we go: Have you got a favourite Moxa unit you’d like to tell us about?

I have to return to the EDS-4000/G4000 series.

Above: A devoted fan with his Moxa EDS-G4012.

For context: We're in the middle of the cyber-security era. The EDS-4000/G4000 series are Managed Ethernet switches with an inbuilt level of security that far surpasses other comparable units. They were the first, and I believe still are, the only Managed Ethernet switches to comply with the IEC 62443-4-2 standard.

Beyond its cyber-security DNA, it's an incredibly versatile unit. I love the rotatable power module, which makes installation smooth in even the most awkward spaces. Overall, it gives you the ability to be configured for a wide array of setups, it's highly manageable and secure by default. An extremely potent addition to any industrial network.

To learn more about Hatteland Technology and how we can assist with your project, please contact

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